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Linux EC2 Instance Creation

    How to Create a Linux EC2 Instance on AWS: Step-by-Step Guide


    Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is a powerful cloud computing service that allows you to run virtual servers on demand. Linux EC2 Instance Creation is an essential skill for developers and cloud enthusiasts, enabling them to deploy, manage, and scale applications effortlessly. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of launching a Linux EC2 instance on AWS.

    Linux EC2 Instance Creation

    Step 1:

    login to AWS account (if you don’t have AWS account check out the AWS account creation)

    console home for Linux EC2 Instance Creation
    Step 2:

    Search for the EC2 in the search bar.

    search for ec2 for Linux EC2 Instance Creation
    Step 3:

    Select the region where you want to create Instance, in the below image I have selected the N. Virginia.

    select region for Linux EC2 Instance Creation
    Step 4:

    Click on the launch instance 

    launch instance for Linux EC2 Instance Creation
    Step 5:

    Give the name for Instance 

    give name for Linux EC2 Instance Creation
    Step 6:

    Select the AMI (Amazon Machine Image). Since we are creating a Linux virtual machine, we will choose the Linux AMI.

    create linux virtual for Linux EC2 Instance Creation
    Step 7:

    1. While creating the Virtual Machine, we have to select the instance type. It will vary according to the requirement; here, we are using the default, which is “t2.micro”.

    2. Generate a new key pair, or choose an existing one if you’ve already created it.

    Step 8:

    If you are creating a new key pair, follow the steps below:

    Step 9:

    Once you create a key pair, it will download the file.

    Step 10:

    keep all the things as default.

    Step 11:

    1.The minimum storage for creating a Linux instance is 8 GB, and you can increase the storage if needed.
    Note: Up to 30 GB is free, but if you require more storage than that, it will incur a cost based on the additional storage used.

    2. Click on the Launch Instance 

    Step 12:

    Once you click on “Launch Instance,” it will create the instance for you. After that, you can click on the instance ID to view more details about your newly created instance.

    Step 13:

    You can confirm that the instance has been created and is running by checking its status. If it still shows as pending, try refreshing the page to get the latest updates on its state.  

    Step 14:

    To connect to the instance, first select the instance from your list. Once selected, look for the “Connect” button and click on it. This will allow you to access the instance directly.

    Step 15:

    Click on the connect. 

    Step 15:

    Now that you’re connected to the Linux Virtual Machine, you can start executing commands and managing your environment. If you need to perform any specific tasks or have questions about using the VM, feel free to ask!

    We hope you find this page helpful.

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