Git Installation On Windows
Step 1: Search in Google for Git. Once it shows the results for Git, click on the Git link.

Step 2: Once you click on the Git link, it will lead you to the Git official website. From there, click on the “Downloads” button or select the option “Download for Windows”.

Step 3: Click on the 64-bit or 32-bit option according to your operating system.

Step 4:Once you click it will start to Download.

Step 5: Go to your file manager and open the Downloads folder. Double-click on the downloaded file to begin the installation.

Step 6: Click on Install

Step 7: You can either keep the default installation path or choose a custom path where you would like to install the application. Click on next

Step 8: Click on Next

Step 9: Click on Next

Step 10: Click on Next

Step 11: Click on Next

Step 12: Click on Next

Step 13: Click on Next

Step 14: Click on Next

Step 15: Click on Next

Step 16: Click on Next

Step 17: Click on Next

Step 18: Click on Next

Step 19: Click on Install

Step 20: Once you click on Install, it will extract all the files necessary for the application.

Step 21: Once extraction is done, click on Finish.

Step 22: Once the installation is complete, search for “Git Bash” in the Windows search bar and open it.

Watch the YouTube video to learn how to install Git on Windows.