Docker Installation on EC2: A Complete Guide
Docker is a leading containerization platform that simplifies building, deploying, and managing applications. Combining Docker with AWS EC2 offers unparalleled scalability and flexibility for running containerized workloads in the cloud. This guide will show you how to set up Docker on an EC2 instance, enabling you to leverage the power of containers in a cloud environment.
Docker Installation on EC2(Amazon Linux or RedHat)
Step 1:
1.Before installing Docker, make sure to create an EC2 instance. If you’re unsure how to do this, you can refer to the guide on creating a Linux EC2 instance.
2.Give the command to switch the user to root
$ sudo su

Step 2:
To install Docker on Linux, you can use the following command:
yum install docker -y

Step 3:
After giving the command, press Enter to install the package.

Step 4:
To start the Docker daemon after installation, you can use the following command:
systemctl start docker

Step 5:
To see the status, you can use the command:
systemctl status docker

Great to hear that the installation was successful! If you need to check the status of the Docker service, you can use the command:
systemctl status docker
If you have any further questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out!