Azure Training and Certification
Microsoft Azure is a platform that enables users to engage in agile cloud computing, and is designed for creating and managing apps through Microsoft’s data centers. There is a myriad of tools within the platform that you can use to excel your IT performance dramatically. As a consequence of its flexibility, even official guidelines about Azure can be confusing and difficult to understand. As a basic definition, Azure (formerly Windows Azure) is Microsoft’s operating system for cloud computing.
Unlock the power of Microsoft Azure with our comprehensive training program. This course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in cloud computing and achieve Azure certification.
What You will Learn?
- Explore Azure App Service and learn how to create, maintain, and deploy web apps more efficiently
- Learn about great solutions for data processing, systems integration, and building simple APIs and microservices with Azure Functions.
- Learn how Azure helps you innovate on your terms and modernize your infrastructure.
- Learn how the Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform provides an integrated data fabric to achieve agility; and realize faster time to value with Microsoft Industry Clouds.
- You will learn to design, develop, implement, automate, and monitor resilient and scalable cloud solutions on the Azure platform.

Azure Fundamentals and Administrator Syllabus
Learning Objective: In this Module you will learn about Azure Cloud Computing Basics, Creation of a Free Azure Account, Understanding of Azure Architecture, Protecting your resource group using locks and Accessing Azure Services through Azure Portal
- What is Cloud Computing
- Overview of Azure Cloud
- Azure Free Tier Account Creation
- Azure Support Plan
- Azure Help & Support Request
- Azure Resource Group
- Azure Locks
- Azure Tags
- Azure Subscriptions
- What is Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Azure Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
- What is Azure Active Directory(AD)
- Azure AD User and Group Creation
- Azure AD Multi Factor Authentication(MFA)
- Azure AD Custom Domain
- Azure AD Deleted Users Recovery
- Azure AD Administrative Roles
- Azure RBAC Role versus Azure AD Administrative Role
- Azure Region
- Azure Location
- Azure Geography
- Availability Set in Azure
- Azure Fault Domain and Update Domain
- Azure Proximity Placement
- Availability Zone in Azure
- Azure VNET and Subnet
- Azure VM and there SLA
- Size and Family Type of Azure VM
- Stopped versus De allocate in Azure VM
- Azure VM Boot Diagnostic
- Auto-shutdown Azure VM
- Resizing Azure VM
- Reset User Password in Azure VM
- Azure VM Best Practices and Pricing
- Azure VM NIC
- Moving Azure VM to Different Subnet
- Changing Azure VM Private IP
- Setting Custom DNS in Azure VM
- Azure VM Public IP
- Azure DNS Label Name
- Dissociating Azure VM Public IP
- Azure VM Network Security Group (NSG)
- Attaching NSG to Azure VM
- Attaching NSG to Subnet
- NSG Default Rule and Custom Rule
- NSG Inbound and Outbound Rule
- NSG Priority Number in Rule
- NSG Allow and Deny Rule
- What is Routing
- Routing in Azure
- Route Table
- Default Route Table and Custom Route Table
- Create Public and Private Subnet
- Need of VNET Peering
- Create Local Peering
- Create Global Peering
- VNET Peering Charges
- Troubleshooting common issue related to VM Access
- What is Azure Managed Disk
- Disk Type Premium/Standard SSD & Standard HDD
- Disk IOPS and Throughput
- Operating System Disk, Temporary Disk & Data Disk
- Attach Data Disk to Azure VM
- Increase Size of OS and Data Disk
- What is Snapshot
- Azure Snapshot Type
- Creating Snapshot from Disk
- What is Image
- Creating Image from Disk
- Managed Disk, Image, Snapshot and Pricing
- How to Use Azure Cloud in a cost saving way
- Reservation of VM in Azure
- Azure Hybrid Benefits
- Low Priority and Spot VM
- Azure Budget Setting
- Azure Cost Management
- Azure Calculator
- How to calculate cost of multiple Azure Service
- Azure Best Practices which saves Cost
- Create Recovery Service Vault
- How Azure Backup Works
- Take Backup of Azure VM
- Understanding Backup Redundancy options
- Azure Backup Instance Restore
- Restore VM from Backup
- Restore File from Backup
- Soft Delete in Azure Backup
- How Azure Site Recovery Works
- Create a Disaster Recovery Plan
- Select the Primary & Secondary Region
- Initiate Replication from Primary to Secondary Region
- Perform Failover in Azure Site Recovery
- How Load Balancer Works
- Public and Private Load Balancer
- Installing IIS Role in VM
- Create Backend Pool, Health Probe and Load Balancing Rule
- Importance of NAT & Create NAT Rule
- How Azure DNS and Traffic Manager Works
- Perform Traffic Management using Traffic Manager
- Understand Different Routing Methods in Traffic Manager
- How Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set Works
- Create Virtual Machine Scale Set
- Create a Scale in and Scale out policy
- See in action VM scale in and Scale out operation
- How Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set Works
- Create Virtual Machine Scale Set
- Create a Scale in and Scale out policy
- See in action VM scale in and Scale out operation
- What is VPN
- How to connect On-Premises Office with Azure Cloud
- Azure VPN Gateway
- Create Fortigate Firewall
- Create Site to Site VPN Tunnel
- Azure Express Route
- Azure AD Connect
- How to achieve Single-Sign-On using Azure AD Connect
- Azure AD Connect Password Hash Authentication
- Azure AD Synchronization with On-Premises Domain Controller
- How to buy Custom Domain from Domain Registrar
- Overview of MIgration process to Azure Cloud

- Need of Azure Automation
- Create Azure Automation Account
- Auto Start VM using Azure Automation
- Need of Azure Bastion
- Secure VM Access using Azure Bastion
- Need of Azure Monitor
- Create an Alert
- Perform Monitoring on Azure VM
- Implement Azure Policy
- Creation of resources using Powershell Commands